December 29, 2017

Doctor Who: The Claws of Axos

The Axons arrive and act friendly and offer a gift to the Earth- Axonite. But Axons aren't so friendly after all. Axonite is a way for them to absorb all of Earth's energy and living matter. Oh, and they have the Master helping them since he's their captive. (They have his TARDIS.)

the Doctor, an Axon, Jo, the Brigadier
The Master inevitably escapes and works with the Doctor to create a workaround for the faulty dematerialization circuit in the TARDIS. (Remember, the Time Lords put a block on the Doctor's memory and messed with his dematerialization circuit so he's stuck on Earth.) In the end, the Doctor traps the Axons in a time loop to save the day while the Master escapes again. However, the Time Lords make sure the Doctor returns to Earth. He's still stuck.


Doctor: Third
Companions: Jo Grant
Episode: #57, "The Claws of Axos," four parts
Adversary: Axons and the Master
Classic Lines: the Doctor: "Obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I am some kind of a galactic yo-yo."
Tuck This Away to Impress Your Friends: This story is the first time in the 3rd Doctor era that we see the inside of the TARDIS.
Next Up: "Colony in Space"

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