April 29, 2016

ReGeneration Who 2: The Adventure Continues

March saw the second annual ReGeneration Who. I went with a friend of mine last year. This year, a group of us went together. My friend did a much better job blogging about this year's con, and you can read that here.
Dave and I are cornered by a Dalek.

We took in the whole con, from Friday to Sunday. It was great! The Fifth and Sixth Doctors were there (Peter Davison and Colin Baker), and I very much enjoyed listening to the 5th Doctor- both in his own panel and in the panel on the 5-ish Doctors story.

Sophie Aldred (Ace) is always great, too. She ended up jumping down into the audience, taking someone's Ace jacket, and posing with someone dressed as the 7th Doctor.

Sophie Aldred

And there was a Dalek panel with Nicholas Briggs that was fun. Here he is standing up, pointing at the Dalek in the first photo in this post, telling it in the Dalek voice that its plunger is on the wrong side. Because someone made that Dalek.

"You are a bad Dalek."

But the real highlight for me was the attention focused on the 2nd Doctor, Patrick Troughton. I went to two different panels with his companions, and they were fantastic. In addition to the companions, his son was in the first one.

Michael Troughton, Deborah Watling, Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills, Wendy Padbury, and the ASL interpreter

The second one focused on the companions of the 60s. Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury portrayed two of my favorite Doctor Who companions, Jamie and Zoe, and I was thrilled to be able to hear them talk about their time on Doctor Who.
Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills, and the moderator

Frazier Hines is delightful and hilarious. They all were funny and told great stories.

I had a fantastic time with my friends, too. They're great people, and being at the con with them made the weekend more fun. See you next year, ReGeneration Who!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the con too. I'm glad they confirmed the third so far in advance. I'm there!


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