November 21, 2018

Trying Plated

I like to cook and try new things, but meal planning and food shopping aren't fun. I found a great coupon for Plated, a meal delivery service, so Dave and I gave it a try. This isn't the first time we tried a service like this. Last year we tried Blue Apron. The first box was missing ingredients and one of the meals from the second box made Dave violently sick. That was the end of that.

So what happens with Plated is that you pick a meal plan and choose from 20 meal options for the week. I chose two meals/week for two people. They send you the recipes and the ingredients, and you do the rest. Easy peasy! Something I liked was that each recipe gets its own bag inside the box. When we tried Blue Apron, they put all the ingredients loose in the box and I had to sort through them all, dividing them up among three recipes. This way is much easier. I grab the recipe bag for the meal I'm cooking and I'm ready to start.

The first box had salmon, potatoes, and kale with a creamy dill sauce.

YUM! This was delicious. The second meal was roasted chicken with mushrooms, garlic, onions, and orzo.

This was tasty, but I liked the salmon better. On to the second box! The first recipe from the second box was butternut squash and black bean quesadillas. I only used black beans on my portion because Dave thinks black beans are gross. I mean, he's wrong, but since he picks them out if I make something with them, I've learned not to try to get him to eat them.

Very good! I didn't get it to crisp up on the top like it should have...because I wasn't thinking and turned off the oven after the squash roasted and didn't have the patience to wait for it to fully get back up to temperature. Oops. The second recipe from this box was Lebanese cod, rice pilaf, and red peppers.

I know that doesn't sound very exciting. It doesn't look very exciting. Well, it was fantastic. Dave took one bite and said HOLY %#&! THIS IS GOOD.

We really like Plated, but it is kind of expensive. It's not something we'll do often, but we'll keep getting boxes every once in a while.

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