June 6, 2020

Mini Texas chocolate sheet cake

Chocolate cake! This was another recipe from Dessert for Two by Christine Lane.

This was fast and easy. It made a 6" chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

The icing poured on like a ganache and thickened more as it cooled. You can see it's shiny and not like a buttercream. Anyway, it was tasty. It was even better the next day. So, I don't recommend eating almost the entire thing the night you make it and only having one piece each the next morning, like Dave and I did.

So far, this cookbook is two for two!


  1. You know how much I like chocolate cake, and this looks so good!

  2. Looks yummy - why did you bother saving a piece for the next day? lol

    1. Haha! Dave wanted to eat the whole thing the night I made it!


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