June 3, 2020

Pandemic planting

Time for more native plants! Our well mound was looking sad. Do you see the bit that looks cut off in the left of the photo? That's from Dave crashing into it with the mower. Haha!

Maybe I should back up a bit. We have well water, and the access cap has to be in a mound. I don't know why. I also don't know when we'd ever access the water that way, since it comes into the house underground via the pump.

Anyway, it gets a lot of sun and seemed like a great place to plant some stuff. So I dug everything up and added some soil before I started planting.

Tada! There's columbine, aster, bee balm, salvia, purple coneflower, crocosmia, phlox, and something else that blooms in the spring that I can't remember right now.

Our township turns yard waste into mulch and compost, which we can then take for free. People really make the most of it. Sometimes there are cars waiting to grab some from the piles. It's a cool program. I grabbed a bit to top off the mound.

Before I planted the stuff in the well mound, I put some aster with the coral honeysuckle.

It's wood's blue aster, a compact, native variety. This weekend I hope to start the next gardening project!


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